The Impact
So we are the little shop that is helping stop human trafficking*, that’s our mission, our mantra, our top of the to-do list whatever way you want to put it its the most important thing for us.
It is incredible that right now, right at this moment, there are more human slaves than at any other time in human history. That Trans Atlantic trade is no comparison, so we are calling all those brave-hearted warriors, those Wilberforce wannabes to join us to help end exploitation now.
But how? I hear you ask.
Every product purchase makes an impact, and you can use your purchasing power to trigger a change in the fashion industry who is up to its eyeballs in exploiting people and the planet. Purchase brands like ours that have done the challenging task of exploring if their products are in some way connected to exploitation. They are taking steps to eliminate it from their supply chain.
We are proud of our brands that have gone a step further and are proactively fighting exploitation in the communities around them: reaching, rescuing and restoring those affected. We call them freedom businesses and they employ survivors.
Fair trade enterprises also have an impact in communities at risk of exploitation. With the principles of fair trade,
It might seem a bit crazy, but as a business, we have right from the start: as a tiny little start-up, whilst boot-legging our beginnings, donated funds to charities fighting to end exploitation too. We have built it into our business model: 50% goes to them, 50% goes to growing the business so we can keep increasing our impact to end slavery.
Who are those Charities?
There are just a few for now.
International Justice Mission - End slavery in our lifetime is their mantra.
Be Slavery Free - Using advocacy and resources to empower others to help the world be slavery-free.
Baptist World Aid Ethical Fashion Guide Empowering the consumer to pass on opportunity and dignity to workers and sustain the planet.
I mentioned our beginnings; they were super small, just a little online shop. But that did not stop us from donating, even when the money in did not equal the cash out. We’ve crossed that hurdle of breaking even, but it is a competitive market out there and our growth inches forward every year. It’s not deterring us, and we keep plodding away, we have 40 million reasons ( AKA people still in slavery) to stick at it.
So for all you figure loving people out there, here they are as of June 30 2022 and growing.
went to our brands who provide life-giving income to those affected by exploitation. It is so important what they do as 80% of those rescued, without a dignified jobs are re trafficked.
was donated to our charities to help end exploitation.
As we say, we do a little happy dance every time you purchase from us. It’s our incredible for Dignity customers (that’s you) who have made the difference. High five brave-hearted warriors! Together we can end exploitation.
Why support the end to human trafficking, here's more information.
*To clear up a short term technicality, human trafficking and modern-day slavery are related terms with some differences in the details. We won’t get into that here. Exploitation is the term of choice, and it covers both. As we have dug deeper and learnt more, we have used the all three along the way.
Stats are sourced from the The Freedom Business Alliance and UNODC