Celebrating mums that make an impact for Dignity

Celebrating Mothers

For many families, Mother’s Day may look very different this year.

As we may be separated from our loved ones due to COVID-19 the usual celebrations may be put on hold and in-person lunches and dinners may be replaced by zoom calls and a quick drop off of flowers.

 However, as we find new ways to celebrate our mothers, let’s also celebrate the mothers who fought to change their lives so that their children could have a better future.

For Dignity celebrates all the women who mother during these times. Covid 19...2020 

We think this story of freedom from the Starfish Project team is worth celebrating and sharing as it shows the impact you make when you purchase a Starfish Project item or any other items from our For Dignity store.

I began going on Outreach with Starfish Project after the birth of my second child. He was four months old and fast asleep in the baby carrier on my chest when I walked into my first brothel.
As a nursing mom, I hadn’t really questioned bringing him with me; he went where I went. What had surprised me was that every woman I met that day was a mom. Most of the women had left their children in their villages when coming to the city for work. This is culturally normal in our region of Asia, yet not easy for any mom.
They were so delighted to interact with a baby again and share about their own children. We
swapped your typical mom stories, laughed about other people’s unsolicited parenting advice and glowed with pride as we looked at photos on our phones.
A year later, after coming on with Starfish Project as our Outreach Director, I had the humbling experience of seeing two of these moms take the incredibly brave steps to leave the brothel and hope for more, take the incredibly brave steps to leave the brothel and hope for more, not just for themselves, but for their children. Almost every woman who comes out of exploitation represents a family, a child, the next generation that will experience restoration and new levels of freedom!
Through your purchases and support we can offer courses in healthy communication, marriage, child rearing and offer educational grants to help with the high cost of education in the city and reunite families! Your purchases transform lives for generations.
Thank you for supporting the women, moms and families of Starfish Project.
Thank you for restoring hope.
Enjoy your day ladies,  you are truely heroes in this time.

Heather, Amy and the for Dignity team