Workplace Transformation

Workplace Transformation

Most Melburnians, including myself, are heading into the seventh week of curfews and restrictions, shut in our homes for now twenty two hours a day, and the general feel is frustration, isolation and fatigue.


Our homes are now familiar place of work and learning and many adjustments have been made.  We all had different stories of what it was to work or school from home, do you remember chatting about them when it all first happened?

My adjustment was not that complicated, as a small business owner, I already based my work at home. My office space has change, it's now my bedroom whilst my previous office is being used by my husband (for close to six months now). The kids have joined the family cats and dog in visiting to chat and have my attention.

But many of my friends and family have had much more of an adjustment. It has made them more aware of the impact a the workplace environment has on them. 

Beyond our shores, the place of work for millions of people is vastly different again. Let's open the door of a couple of those places with a story of hope, to help lift the mood.

When a workplace changes for the better

I am going to describe a place of work in Asia. It's a dark place and the people are suffering. The work facilities are sparse, a dirty room with one high window, no heating or cooling and the single red light globe flickers a weak light. 

Image from Starfish Project Outreach Team

This was the type of place of many of the women who now work at Starfish Project previously worked. The physical environment reflected what was also going on physically and emotionally with violence, abuse and exploitation mixed into the daily fight for survival.

I tell you this so you can appreciate the huge transformation reflected in the next story of their current workplace shared by Jenny just today. 

The women at Starfish Project

Starfish Project's Workplace

"I love coming to work!" I've heard the girls in our office say this on multiple occasions and I absolutely agree. Our office is such a wonderful place to be! As I type, there is laughter all around me, a woman is spinning in her new dress and everyone is busy doing their part to complete the upcoming collection. Yet amongst the busyness at Starfish Project Headquarters there is always time for fun, laughter, encouragement and of course fashion advice!

At the start of each new day I am welcomed with a flood of compliments and suggestions on which jewellery pieces to wear to complete my look. I love that the women of Starfish Project delight in the jewellery we create! They proudly wear it and gift it to family and friends.

As you wear your beautiful pieces remember that the women of Starfish Project are wearing theirs too!

Jenny M. Starfish Project CEO

Isn't that an amazing transformation! It is reassuring to know that change and hope are real.
I'd love to hear some stories of your current workplace situations right now. And I know others in the for Dignity community would too. Send me a short, or long if you want, email to and let's help each other and the women of Starfish Project, get through this pandemic.

Until next time, keep safe and well.
