Sunsets, Universal Delights and Universal Rights
One of my favourite sights is the sun setting and the clouds lighting up with colour. I am thankful for the wonderful sunsets we have had in Melbourne this week, did you get the chance to notice?
I wonder if watching sunsets is universal delight. When I lived in Vietnam once you left the smog of the city you could enjoy, over the green rice fields, spectacular sunsets. We would watch farmers bringing their water buffalo home in the warm light of the setting sun and you could see them too enjoying the sky's beauty.
So surely they are a universal delight, and although we all experience the setting of the sun it is different to a universal human right. Both are universal but not both universally experienced. While we are on the topic, there was one universal human right that was remembered this week? Do you know what it is, did you get the chance to notice?
Wednesday the 20th of June was #WorldRefugeeDay If we got the population of Australia and doubled it and sent it out to foreign lands to seek refuge, we would still come short of representing the current refugee situation world wide. It is huge.
So it was refreshing to read Melody's Instagram post on the Wednesday. She currently lives in an area in which people are seeking refuge. Melody is also the founder of JOYN and so much more.
This is her post on Instagram: At JOYN we celebrate world refugee day. We cheer for those who flee for safety. We stand by those seeking refuge. We become friends with those without a home. In fact, our top managers are refugees - some of the best leaders I've met. We employ those without a country. And in turn, they become our friends, our partners, our family...
If you knew Melody's story you would know she has had a small taste of how it feels to leave a land where you thought you could pursue your dreams and her compassion and empathy are evident in her work.
Melody is my inspiration, she is just one individual on the world stage. But she is doing what she can and it is making a positive contribution.
So this weekend I invite you to join me in enjoying a sunset and taking a moment to notice what positive contribution each of us are making to the world stage.
Photo Credit: JOYN