Parenting, motherhood, raising kids well, quality time and celebrating freedom this weekend

The Freedom To Raise Kids Well

Popular parenting styles shift with each generation. For a while when I first became a mum, the catch cry for good parenting was "it is not the amount of time but quality time". Then a few years later that was questioned when another parenting expert suggested the key to success was not just quality time but also quantity time.

Maybe it's a healthy combination of both... I'm no expert but one thing is certain that I can be thankful I have had the freedom to raise my own kids, choose to play with them, go on holidays with them, share their care with family and friends and even do music, sports and crafts with them.

That's the freedom I celebrate this weekend and invite you to do also. 

I also want to celebrate the freedom that Balika now experiences because of Freeset. Balika is a mum of two children, at the tender age of 15 she had her first son and only a few year later a daughter to an alcoholic, abusive husband. Her life's story is riddled with hardship and a struggle just to survive. Craft, sports and music lessons were not what she hoped for, but just to have more than one meal to share with her children each day.  

The turning point for her and her kids was the opportunity to work at Freeset's workshop. She was taught the skill of hand loom weaving and now makes scarves and fabric. She has found a supportive community and earns a wage that provides for her and her children.

This is how she responded,

“Now that I have this work with Freeset, there is a better future for me and my family. I was lonely and sad before, but life looks very different now. Thank you!”

You can read more of her story here.

Thank you Freeset for intentionally establishing work in areas where there are vulnerable women so that by working with you mothers have found more freedom and choices for them and their children.

Have a great weekend.


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